
Organic hemp products are just part of our story

The KANAPU journey began with a bold idea, an attitude that’s infused in every one of our organic hemp products today.

Growing up as people of the land, we learn through storytelling. Kia ora, welcome to our place to share some of our stories, studies, news and history.

Our Stories


Source our products locally for all your hemp benefits.

Drizzle, sprinkle, or splash on to add depth of flavour to almost any food and receive daily hemp benefits. Abundant sources of Omega 3 and Omega 6, at the perfectly balanced 1:3 ratio – optimal for human health which has been shown to support joint mobility, arthritis, inflammation, hormone balancing, healthy skin and more. Kia ora. Welcome. Good health. We’d be honoured to serve your community in the spirit of enrichment and nourishment that flows through everything we do.

KANAPU Hempery Refillery
Cameron Harrison Butchery Lower Hutt

Phone: 04 567 4940
Address: 829 High Street, Avalon, Lower Hutt
The Grocer

Phone: 027 255 7603
Address: 3 Kitchener Street, Martinborough
Bee Box Kaikoura

Phone: 021 127 9456
Address: 28 West End, Kaikoura
Penray Gardens

Phone: 06 364 5302
Address: 1199 State Highway 1, South Otaki
Henna Beauty & Threading Hawkes Bay

Phone: 06 870 7509
Address: 104 Southland Road, Hastings
Little Green Grocer

Phone: 027 340 0721
Address: Main Street, Pahiatua
Food For Thought Organics

Phone: 06 858 8908
Address: 69 Ruataniwha Street, Waipukurau
Morena Espresso

Phone: 06 650 5162
Address: 66 Munroe Street, Napier
Chantal Shop & Café

Phone: 06 835 8036
Address: 45 Hastings Street, Bluff Hill, Napier
Cornucopia The Organic Shop

Phone: 06 876 6248
Address: 221 Heretaunga Street East, St Leonards
13th Stag

Phone: 027 216 1945
Address: 42 Percival Road, Frimley, Hastings
Bin Inn Feilding

Phone: 06 323 1135
Address: 85 Kimbolton Road, Feilding


Contact Us

Māori and Pākehā living Te Tiriti O Waitangi together. Achieving social prosperity for our people. Serving our part in the
kaitiakitanga of our whenua. Kia ora, to you.