
A plant-based protein kick for muscles and bones.

Hemp protein for health

Want to know more about the nutritional benefits of hemp protein? KANAPU Hemp Flakes contain 30–35% plant-based protein (9.8 g per serving).

Read on to discover the roles of protein in our daily life.
Protein is one of the vital macronutrients in food to keep us alive. Protein is a source of energy and is essential for our growth and development, supporting our immune system and acting as the building blocks of our body (bone, muscles, skin, nail, hair and blood). A diet poor in protein will result in problems such as thinning hair, muscle wasting, dry skin and others. According to the Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand, the recommended dietary allowance (RDI) of protein for different groups of people are shown in the table below:

Age group RDI (g protein/kg body weight/day)
Male Female
1-3 year 1.08 1.08
4-8 year 0.91 0.91
9-13 year 0.94 0.87
14-18 year 0.99 0.77
19-70 year 0.84 0.75
>70 year 1.07 0.94
Pregnancy (2nd & 3rd trimesters) 1 – 1.02
Lactation 1.10

Based on the RDI, a healthy adult woman (19-70 years old) with a body weight of 60 kg will need 45 g of protein daily to meet her daily protein requirement. When consuming a serving of KANAPU hemp seed flakes (30 g or two tablespoons), she will obtain 9.8 g of protein, contributing to around 22 % of her protein RDI.

In addition to maintaining basic functions in human, consumption of protein has been reported to promote satiety. Arecent study has been conducted to investigate the postprandial effects of biomarkers of satiety and gut hormones following consumption of plant-based and animal-based protein. Volunteers was given high protein meals (30 g protein) made from either buckwheat, fava bean, pea, hemp, lupin or beef. Among different sources of protein, volunteers who ate the high protein meal made from hemp flour had a significant increase in gut hormone GLP-1 when compared to other plant-based meals and beef meal. GLP-1 is a hormone acts as a neurotransmitter that promotes the feeling of fullness and suppresses appetite by delaying gastric emptying. The concentration of hormone ghrelin was also found to be significantly reduced after the ingestion of hemp meal when compared to beef meal. Ghrelin is a hormone released in stomach signalling the brain to feel hungry. Overall, the hunger score of all volunteers remained low 3 hours post-meal, showing the satiating effect of a high protein meal.



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