Joint Mobility | Arthritis

hemp oil for arthritis

The good oil for tender joints

Hemp oil for arthritis

Want to know more about the benefits of hemp oil for arthritis? KANAPU Hemp Seed Oil is naturally enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which have been linked to reduced arthritic symptoms.

Read on to discover how hemp oil has been shown to provide arthritis and joint mobility support.

Arthritis is the inflammation and tenderness of joints, often accompanied by the stiffness, swelling, and the reduced mobility of joints. Although arthritis commonly occurs as we age, younger populations can get arthritis as well, including infants. According to Arthritis New Zealand, the most common types of arthritis in New Zealand are osteoarthritis, gout arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Other than arthritis medication and treatment, lifestyle modification such as exercise and nutritious healthy diet can help managing arthritic conditions.

A balanced diet rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) has been demonstrated to have an anti-inflammatory effect in arthritis patients. For instance, consuming 1.4 g of GLA per day for 24 weeks has been reported to reduce the number of tender joints and swollen joints in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Consuming 2.5 tablespoons of KANAPU Hemp Seed Oil (~37.5 g) will provide you 1.4 g of GLA per day, which can be beneficial in supporting arthritis and joint mobility.

In addition, bioactive compounds such as polyphenols and phenolic compounds present in hemp seed may play important roles in relieving pain symptoms related to osteoarthritis. It was discovered that osteoarthritis patients who had hip or knee replacement experienced greater pain relief and improved bone turnover involved in joint after consuming pasta enriched with hemp seed (15% hemp seed flour, in total 100 g pasta/day) for 6 weeks, when compared to patients who consumed a regular pasta meal.



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